Howard Bloom

By Howard Bloom On Tuesday, June 18th, a new word showed up in the vocabulary of the Middle-East war: “inevitable.”  Nearly every expert in Israel from the country’s military leaders to its newsletter writers said that an all-out war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah was inevitable.  And who is Hezbollah?  Like Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah is a part
by Howard Bloom On Wednesday June 12th something frightening happened.  The Russian Northern Fleet naval group completed “precision missile weapons” drills East of the Florida Keys, within easy nuclear missile distance of the United States.  Then the four ships of mass destruction sailed to Cuba, only 106 miles from the beaches of Florida, anchored at Havana Harbor
By Howard Bloom The Internet has been under constant attack for the last 20 years as the source of all of our emotional woes, from depression, cyberbullying, and suicide to negative body image.     The anti-Internet attack has been so fierce that nine states have tried to ban social media access for kids under sixteen or
By Howard Bloom A story broke in Newsweek magazine April 10th claiming that a study in a high prestige medical journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA Psychiatry, revealed that teenagers who spend a lot of time playing video games and who use their computers heavily are more likely to have a psychotic episode.   In the study Newsweek was reporting on,
By Howard Bloom Americans are suffering through a trauma of stolen expectations. The result is what you might call The Great Unhappiness.  First off, are things bad in America right now?  Is the economy tanking?  Not at all.  America is booming.  ·       Our economy is growing at 3.2% per year, the highest post-Covid growth rate of any
by Howard Bloom Taiwan’s defense chief, Chiu Kuo-cheng, has revealed that American troops are permanently stationed in Taiwan.   Our soldiers are there to train Taiwan’s military in the use of things like drones.  However, some of those troops are less than two miles from China’s border.  A headline in London’s The Express warns that this puts
by Howard Bloom  The TikTok issue is one of the biggest damned if you do, damned if you don’t problems on America’s agenda.  On April 14, 2023, nearly a year ago, Montana became the first state to try to ban TikTok, but a US District Judge put a temporary halt to the ban, saying it
On Tuesday, February 20, at 1:54 pm, an American Airlines flight took off from Albuquerque’s International Sunport headed for Chicago, a three-hour flight away.   Roughly half an hour into the flight, a passenger, Emma Ritz, says that a man whose seat was next to the emergency exit “cracked open the window that was protecting the
There have been a series of accidents over the last few months that can easily make you leery of autonomous cars, self-driving automobiles controlled by artificial intelligence.   Waymo is a self-driving car company owned by Google’s parent, Alphabet. CNN reported on Wednesday, February 14th, that sometime at the end of 2023 in San Francisco a
Militant extremist Islam is showing its carefully hidden Nazism. Just before the Hamas attack that killed 1,400 Israelis and started the current Hamas War, Mahmoud Abbas the president of the Palestinian Authority, went before the United Nations and gave a speech justifying Adolf Hitler. “These people [Jews] were fought because of…usury,” Abbas said repeating an
The economic jackpot of space will dwarf the Internet, the automobile, and the Louisiana Purchase combined. Space mining will reap trillions. Scientific research done in space will cure countless diseases. Space Solar Power and space nuclear power will ensure American dominance of the global energy market for a century… if America gets there first. China
Academy Award winning actor Jeff Bridges has joined the Honorary Advisory Board of the new Howard Bloom Institute. Bridges joins an elite group that includes a former Governor, five scientists, a MacArthur Genius Award-winner, the creator of seven series for the BBC-TV, a key Prince band member, and fusion-nuclear power pioneer and actor Harry Hamlin.