From the creator of “Peaky Blinders” and the producers of “Taboo” comes the chilling new drama “A Christmas Carol,” playing up the darkest, spookiest aspects of the classic tale. The mini-series is set to arrive just in time for the holidays, described as “a haunting, hallucinatory, spine-tingling immersion into Scrooge’s dark night of the soul.”
Gettin’ their hands dirty! In this sneak peek from season three of Very Cavallari (returning Thursday, Jan. 9), Kristin Cavallari is hilariously tasked with helping Jay Cutler clean the bottoms of their chicks. At first, the Uncommon James mogul refuses to help, claiming she doesn’t “partake in that.” “I’ll let you clean their butts,” the
Last night the Real Housewives Of Dallas headed to Thailand where no amount of Buddhism, zen, or Xanax could mellow out their animosity towards each other. Truthfully by the exemplary behavior of Stephanie Hollman and Kameron Westcott you’d never know they were ‘surface’ friends! On the 20-something hour travel day Kameron did it up right
Week 1 Clues: “Spin Your Wheel” game show, had a lifetime of drama, family feud, lots of family gossip, born into the limelight, has a southern accent, has been through so much. She loves a shimmy. Thought this was all a game, this reminds her of growing up when everything on the outside looked rosy,
Dax Shepard is Frozen 2‘s biggest fan. During an appearance on Wednesday’s Conan, the actor talked up his wife Kristen Bell‘s latest animated adventure, starting things off by rolling a clip from the chilly sequel, out tomorrow. As host Conan O’Brien accurately pointed out, “You’re not in Frozen 2.” No, he most definitely is not, but allow Shepard to explain
The Dark Universe looks like its a train that has no signs of stopping. We have INVISIBLE MAN and a RENFIELD film on the way, but now it would appear that Conjuring director James Wan is now going to be behind yet another installment in the reboots – FRANKENSTEIN. While the information regarding the Wan