As we all impatiently await the release of ‘Stupid Love’, Lady Gaga has proposed to herself. (Klarna) While the world is still waiting for her unreleased single “Stupid Love”, Lady Gaga has proposed to herself on Valentine’s Day. 2020 is a leap year and on February 29, otherwise known as “Bachelor’s Day”, outdated tradition dictates
Stephanie Hayden (left), a trans woman, was repeatedly misgendered in online abuse by Katherine Scottow. (Twitter/MailOnline) Stephanie Hayden, a trans woman who was called a “racist” and a “pig in a wig” during a campaign of online abuse, has won her case against Kate Scottow, the woman who targeted her. Kate Scottow was found guilty
The 2020 MWC has been officially cancelled, following days of rumors and company pull-outs. Officials of the GSMA met to discuss the possibility of cancelling the Mobile World Congress Event, which was scheduled to take place in Barcelona on February 23rd through the 27th. Discussions of cancellation came after a few big parties such as Cisco, Sprint,