
Cyborg DJ DRMAGDN, a major label BMG recording artist, has recently joined forces with GLOW Beverages as a brand ambassador, shareholder, and partner. This collaboration aligns him with Kylie Jenner, who is also associated with GLOW Beverages and is recognized as one of the top 10 most popular celebrities globally. DRMAGDN brings a significant social
Irene Michaels, an esteemed figure in the entertainment industry, has achieved remarkable success with her musical endeavors. She won the prestigious Josie Award for Song of the Year with her hit single “I Like Rain,” a track released through the Motown of House music label TRAX Records. This single, co-written with Michael Levine, has solidified
Earlier this year, Vampire Weekend released a vinyl-only live album, Frog on the Bass Drum Vol. 01, featuring songs they played on tour in Indianapolis in June 2019. Included with the LP was a newsletter featuring a band update from drummer Chris Tomson, who wrote, “Ezra [Koenig] took a raga singing lesson with Terry Riley