
“My Policeman” starring Harry Styles, Emma Corrin and David Dawson has premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and puts Styles’ acting chops to the test. In this spoiler-free review, CinemaBlend’s Hannah Saulic and Corey Chichizola discuss the heartbreaking yet hopeful drama. Plus, buckle up Harry Styles fans, because “Don’t Worry Darling” has nothing on
The Fabelmans is director Steven Spielberg’s magnum opus. The family found at the heart of this painfully personal and stunningly emotional feature stands in for Spielberg’s own, as the Oscar-winning filmmaker turns his camera back on his adolescence to examine – through his unique, masterful lens – the hardships and triumphs that led to him
John David Washington’s acting career started in 2015 when he had a role in the HBO drama series Ballers. With his Oscar-winning father Denzel Washington being in the acting world for 40 years longer, people can’t help but constantly make comparisons. Luckily, the 38-year-old isn’t “worried” about what his father thinks of his acting, and
Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt are about to travel back in Hollywood history, again. The two previously worked together on Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Now, these two and a fun ensemble cast are traveling further back to the 1920s in the film Babylon. While this reunion of two of the best