
In 1994, two years after Quentin Tarantino made his filmmaking debut with Reservoir Dogs, the writer/director delivered an even bigger hit to the masses with Pulp Fiction. Among the movie’s starring actors were Samuel L. Jackson and Uma Thurman, who respectively played Jules Winnfield and Mia Wallace. Nearly three decades after Pulp Fiction’s release, these
Deepfake technology seems invasive, and more than a little dangerous. One many has been impersonating Tom Cruise in viral videos for years now, and even reached out to the celebrity to try and obtain his permission. Hollywood studios have been using the deepfake technology to de-age important characters in the Star Wars universe, or to
Playing the opposing force against Tom Cruise is a massive undertaking, and Jon Hamm nailed it as Vice Admiral Cyclone, who had constant friction with Maverick. For Hamm, scoring the antagonistic role was the chance of a lifetime as a fan of the original film. After starring in the blockbuster sequel, the Top Gun: Maverick