
10 minutes ago The following contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for Joker. If you haven’t seen the film yet, you really don’t want to read on. Check out our spoiler-free review, go see the film, and then come back, because you’re going to have questions. After a surprising build up, even for a comic book movie, the
Larry David has turned cringe into a comedy artform with Curb Your. Enthusiasm, but is the show currently available to stream on Netflix? Larry David started out as a writer on Saturday Night Live and sketch comedy series Fridays, but it was Seinfeld that made his career. This acclaimed “show about nothing” arrived in 1989
15 minutes ago We may finally have an explanation for the droid’s crimson-colored peepers. A new character has been revealed for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker; his name is Babu Frik, and while you can head over to to see what the adorable alien looks like, here’s the provided description about him: Being
Joker‘s depiction of violence is currently a topic of much debate, but the connection between the perpetrator of the 2012 shooting in Aurora, Colorado and the DC character is often misrepresented. Set to release later this month, Joker is the subject of much controversy at present, with critics citing the film’s supposedly sympathetic villain as a possible source
Of all the minor recurring characters in Supernatural, Garth is the one whose potential hasn’t been fully realized. Currently gearing up for its final 15th season, Supernatural has, naturally, seen a revolving door of recurring characters. The likes of Ruby, Crowley and Benny were once regular components of Supernatural‘s cast, but are now mere shadows upon the lives