
With a little under two months until the next season of The Bachelor, ABC’s promotional materials featuring Peter Weber are starting to make their rounds on the internet, including a brand new poster of the beloved lead. Alongside a recently released teaser trailer, the poster milks Weber’s status as a pilot for all it’s worth. Weber first
Sparklite is an indie roguelite that offers great progression mechanics to a much-loved genre. It has flaws, but fans need not worry. Sparklite is a top-down roguelite that features a really solid take on player progression above an interesting storyline. Its shortcomings keep it from being a perfect adventure, but rogue-like genre fans will find plenty
20 minutes ago Bringing a comic character to the silver screen, especially one as iconic as X-Men’s Wolverine, is daunting at best and absolutely terrifying at worst. While the 2000 introduction to Hugh Jackman’s now indelible portrayal of this four panel badass almost didn’t have his trademark hairstyle, it was thanks to the work of