
Mystery Team (Hulu) The Plot: Jason (Donald Glover), Duncan (D.C. Piersen), and Charlie (Dominic Dierkes) were their neighborhood’s top detectives, solving a slew of local “crimes” in their childhood. In adulthood, they prove to be not as successful as the trio attempt to crack a case that forces them realize that solving grown-up crimes takes
Whether you’re into UFO documentaries because, like Fox Mulder, you “want to believe,” you’re a die-hard UFO enthusiast who’s just waiting for that full disclosure, or you’re a complete skeptic who just things the stories and footage are really interesting, you’re perfectly supplied by Netflix right now with some amazing research materials. Not just from
There are certain aspects of Seagal’s life, however, that seem like they’re just too preposterous to be true, but let me tell you, most of what you hear about the star of such films as Above The Law, Hard To Kill, and Under Siege, is just too crazy to be made up.
8. I Heart Huckabees (2004) Admittedly, I Heart Huckabees isn’t everyone’s deal. It’s sometimes seen as too twee, too cutesy, too beholden to the quirky indie movie cliches of the early ’00s. That’s understandable, to a certain respect, but that’s also overlooking how smartly it’s executed, how stylish it can be, and how much it’s
That was fast. Full Moon Features has announced that their upcoming Corona Zombies movie is in the post-production phase. The project is based on the coronavirus pandemic which is currently spreading all over the world and scaring a lot of people. All professional sports have suspended their respective seasons, Hollywood is halting productions, schools are
Executive producer and actress Linda Collins recently accepted an award for Best International Film award at the Brightside Tavern Shorts Film Festival for the short film Perception, an Andres Irias written and directed film approaching the subject of race and immigration from two perspectives. Collins plays Lauren, the mother of an American teen taught to hate immigrants