
Ratcatcher Was First Introduced In DC Comics As A Batman Villain Created by writer Alan Grant, his frequent collaborator John Wagner, and late illustrator Norm Breyfogle, Ratcatcher made his DC Comics debut in a two-part story featured in Detective Comics, released in April and May of 1988. It sees the sewer-dweller taking on the Batman,
That said, Morgan Freeman’s character in The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard was a surprising addition to the sequel, given the role. Toward the end of the movie — and spoilers — there’s an exceptionally fun yacht sequence in which Ryan Reynolds’ character, Michael Bryce, works his way through a slew of baddies, throwing punches on the
A new Nintendo Indie Direct will take place tomorrow, August 11, but fans shouldn’t expect to see Hollow Knight: Silksong during the show. Silksong is the upcoming sequel to Hollow Knight, which was originally announced in 2019, but little news has been revealed about the game since, and it still lacks a release date on any platform. The Nintendo Indie Directs generally feature