
The new Pokémon Evolutions animated series’ reveal trailer features a unique take on the Pokémon world, with a mature art style and dynamic animations. Pokémon games have long lacked the emotion and narrative of the anime series and movies, but Pokémon Evolutions‘ art style alone could make for a mainline or spinoff game that bridges the gap. An eight-episode miniseries debuting
Courtney Howard from Variety also enjoyed Cinderella overall, but had some criticisms. While she praised director Kay Cannon’s inspired creative approach to make this musical into a fantasy unlike any before it, Howard thought the execution was flawed. She was frustrated with the movie’s inconsistent pacing and character development, which somehow was both underdeveloped and
The Mission: Impossible 7 release date has been delayed to September 2022. Beginning production in early 2020, the upcoming action sequel has been one of the many Hollywood projects greatly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Filming has been shut down multiple times, prompting studio Paramount to sue Mission: Impossible 7’s insurance company. The movie has also