
Denis Villeneuve’s Dune was an astonishing adaption of the beloved sci-fi book by Frank Herbert and featured Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides and Zendaya as Chani. The film is enormous, with great performances and moments. Yet, clearly, the director wanted to save certain things for the sequel, specifically Zendaya’s character, who had limited screen time
The Polar Express offers a great message for everyone at Christmas time, with this festive movie bringing a lot of joy throughout, and the fantastic story and train journey being full of awesome whimsical moments. However, while it’s full of happiness and fun, there are also a lot of emotional moments and clear lessons for people
Content Warning: This article contains PLOT SPOILERS for the Disney+ show Hawkeye. If there’s one thing that differentiates Disney+’s Hawkeye from the rest of the MCU series released this year, it’s the show’s brutally honest portrayal of Clint Barton’s experience as a superhero. This approach doesn’t sit well with some fans who have expressed their unpopular
Warning: This article explains spoilers for the finale of Hawkeye. Hawkeye star Vincent D’Onofrio hopes his character Kingpin isn’t really dead. Hawkeye, which premiered its first two episodes the day before Thanksgiving, aired its finale yesterday, December 22. The series had a lot to wrap up, from Clint Barton’s (Jeremy Renner) adventures with his newfound protegé Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld)
Warning: This post contains SPOILERS for Spider-Man: No Way Home According to Iron Fist star Jessica Henwick, Charlie Cox was aware of Daredevil’s return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe years ago. Henwick made her debut in Netflix’s Iron Fist as the show’s fan-favorite hero, Colleen Wing, in 2017. Both Cox and Henwick were last seen collaborating together performing their