
Between a global pandemic that we’re still in the midst of and the increasing library of titles available for streaming, 2021 has been a strange comeback year for the movies. We are blessed once again with the newest films being (somewhat) safe to watch in a movie theater, yet these only make up a fraction
2021 hasn’t concluded in a complete return to cinemas, but it’s been a wildly more uplifting year that’s allowed the entertainment industry to finally get back on track. The degree of catch up and cinematic holdovers that have fallen into 2021 have practically spoiled horror fans with an overload of highly anticipated content like Malignant,
2021 hasn’t concluded in a complete return to cinemas, but it’s been a wildly more uplifting year that’s allowed the entertainment industry to finally get back on track. The degree of catch up and cinematic holdovers that have fallen into 2021 have practically spoiled horror fans with an overload of highly anticipated content like Malignant,
We’re not aliens, we’re discontent. For the final installment of this season’s Randy’s Recs, which finds the Halloweenies dissecting a film that inspired the Scream franchise, the gang heads to Ohio. No, not Springwood, but the small town of Herrington, where young Midwestern teens are having close encounters with the third kind. The only way
Year two of an ongoing pandemic made for another fascinating year in horror. Last year’s delayed theatrical titles finally saw release in 2021, many of which experimented with day-and-date release strategies. Streaming services and VOD markets continued to bring an insane selection, and more film festivals joined the virtual space. All of which felt like
The Silent Night, Deadly Night franchise is one of horror’s strangest and boldest. It is wildly uneven in tone and quality, whiplashing between deadly serious and high camp, dizzying heights and the lowest depths often within the same movie. But from its notorious original to its bonkers direct-to-video finale, the series is without a doubt
Horrors Elsewhere is a recurring column that spotlights a variety of movies from all around the globe, particularly those not from the United States. Fears may not be universal, but one thing is for sure — a scream is understood, always and everywhere. Something wicked has come to Bailey Downs this winter. Contrasting the annual,