
This week brings the larger-than-life horror comedy Cocaine Bear, from director Elizabeth Banks (Charlie’s Angels) and arriving exclusively in movie theaters on February 24, 2023. The movie, written by Jimmy Warden, “finds an oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists, and teens converging in a Georgia forest where a 500-pound apex predator has ingested a staggering amount of cocaine and
The tides are turning over in Below Deck land. We’ve replaced 50% of the interior crew since Captain Sandy Yawn joined the boat in Captain Lee’s stead!  When we picked up for this week’s episode, Alissa Humber was in the bridge with Ross McHarg as a witness. Never a good sign. Sandy was just finishing her lecture on insubordination and the hierarchy of yachting. Let’s get into
She originally deleted all her Instagram posts of MGK and shared a cryptic Beyoncé lyric about “dishonesty” from her 2016 song “Pray You Catch Me.” And to top it off, Megan followed just three celebrities—Eminem, Harry Styles and Timothée Chalamet, before de-activating her account all together. Fans automatically assumed there was trouble in paradise, with one user commenting, “He
Rhye’s Michael Milosh, April 2022 (Gina Wetzler/Redferns) News Michael Milosh of Rhye’s Lawsuit Against Ex-Wife’s Attorneys Thrown Out Milosh was suing Alexa Nikolas’ lawyers for malicious prosecution. A judge upheld the lawyers’ anti-SLAPP motion. By Evan Minsker February 20, 2023 Facebook Twitter Facebook Twitter Michael Milosh of Rhye’s lawsuit against his ex-wife Alexa Nikolas’ attorneys
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation,” wrote Henry David Thoreau in Walden. If you’re looking for quiet desperation in modern-day America, you’d be hard-pressed for a better place to find it than the “dubiously named” Oasis Mobile Estates in Riverside County, California, the setting of Asale Angel-Ajani’s debut novel, A Country You