
In the world of Real Housewives, there are innumerable hilarious moments. The Bravo reality series has its share of classic feuds, painful reunions, and drama. But it also has some hilarity, whether unintended or on purpose. And I’m not talking about some of their more interesting wardrobe choices. Our ladies might have an amusing, drunken
Timbaland and Aaliyah (Getty Images) News Timbaland Reveals “Oompa-Loompa” Beat Inspiration Behind Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody” “I gotta thank Willy Wonka for that,” he said at the 2023 Pop Conference. He also discussed the iconic baby sample. By Evan Minsker April 30, 2023 Facebook Twitter Facebook Twitter Timbaland sat down for a panel discussion
Please excuse us, we just returned from 20 years ago and need a moment to get our bearings. So different and yet so familiar was the Met Gala help on April 28, 2003—which, though it was a coveted (and only $3,500) ticket, was not quite the everybody-who’s-anybody occasion it soon became, eventually surpassing the Oscars as fashion’s biggest night. The premiere
Caroline Manzo may shave her face, but she won’t inject it. The former “Real Housewives of New Jersey” star spilled that she’s never gotten Botox or any facial injections, because she’s scared that it can’t be “good for you.” “I’m afraid of it,” Manzo confessed on Tuesday’s episode of her “Food, Love, and Chaos” YouTube
Five teenagers, spread across two rival countries, each have a story to tell in The Isles of the Gods, the first book in a fantasy duology from Australian author Amie Kaufman.  Selly is an Alinorish sailor whose magician’s marks never matured, leaving her without the ability to communicate with elemental spirits. Alinor’s Prince Leander knows