Mandalorian: How Ahsoka Tano Can Fit Into Season 2’s Story


Ahsoka Tano could fit The Mandalorian‘s season 2 story in any number of ways. Her incoming arrival to live-action has sent Star Wars fans into a frenzy, as Ashely Eckstein’s Togruta Jedi is one of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise. One thing to consider is how exactly she will factor into the upcoming episodes, since Star Wars fans last saw her embarking on a mission far removed from the one Mando is on.

Introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka was thrown right into the action. As Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan, it took some time for her to become the fan favorite she is today. Since 2008, her arc has taken her through a series of changes. Fans thought they had seen the last of her when she left the Jedi Order at the end of Clone Wars season 5, but her miraculous return in Star Wars Rebels and later Clone Wars season 7 proved otherwise.


Related: Clone Wars Reveals What Happened To Ahsoka After She Left The Jedi Order

She will pop up once more, this time in the live-action realm. Set between the original and sequel trilogies, The Mandalorian is a side story to the main saga. It covers the less glamorous side of the Star Wars universe, which allows for more creative freedom in storytelling. This time, Eckstein will not portray the Jedi, though, as Rosario Dawson has been cast for season 2. It will be only a matter of time before Ahsoka makes her way into that story. The only question is, where will she fit in?

How Ahsoka Tano Could Meet The Mandalorian

Star Wars The Mandalorian Clone Wars Bo-Katan Ahsoka

First and foremost, Ahsoka will have to meet the Mandalorian himself. Given what is known of both of their pasts, this isn’t a difficult scene to set up. The series has documented Din Djarin’s Clone War-era childhood very well. The Separatists murdered his family, as flashbacks revealed. Before they could get to him, the Mandalorian group, Death Watch, rescued him. His past could be the key to Ahsoka’s future. After all, she has been entangled in Mandalore’s affairs since before Din could hold a blaster.


The Clone Wars season 7 will cover the Siege of Mandalore, which is an event that Ahsoka will be at the center of. She and her Republic forces will go head-to-head with Darth Maul and his version of Death Watch. Some refused to follow Maul, dubbed the Mandalorian resistance, will join her cause, and their leader, Bo-Katan, would become an ally of Ahsoka during the conflict. Perhaps her good relations with the Mandalorians could lead to her and Din crossing paths down the line. After all, his life was saved by them years before.

Ahsoka Tano Can Explain More About Baby Yoda

The Mandalorian - Ahsoka Tano and Baby Yoda

One of the biggest question marks in The Mandalorian is Baby Yoda, aka The Child, who first appeared at the end of the series premiere. Since then, he has taken the world by storm, even if very little is known about him. Baby Yoda can be better explained with Ahsoka‘s help. Being a Jedi herself, it’s fair to assume she’s more privy to him than his current caretakers. She may not know specifics, like his species or origin, but she could at least shed light on his Force abilities. She may even know what the remaining Imperial loyalists want with him.


Related: Where Ahsoka Is During The Mandalorian (According To Star Wars Canon)

The biggest connection here is through Master Yoda. During the Clone Wars, Ahsoka worked alongside him on occasion. He was, in fact, the one who assigned her to Anakin in the first place. Their bond was never fully explored in the show – most things about Yoda are notoriously secretive – but she at least knew him well enough to understand his power. Baby Yoda is effectively a shrunk-down version of the former Jedi Grand Master. So if there is anyone who could understand him and his Force-sensitivity, it would be Ahsoka.


Ahsoka Tano Could Tie Into The Mandalorian’s Darksaber Story

The Mandalorian Moff Gideon Darksaber

Alternatively, her inclusion in The Mandalorian season 2 could be brought on by the Darksaber story. At the end of The Mandalorian season 1, Moff Gideon tasted crushing defeat. Following a TIE fighter crash, he escaped the vehicle using the Darksaber. The weapon is sacred to the Mandalorian people and is a symbol of power. It was created by the first and only Mandalorian Jedi generations prior. But it had many owners during the Clone Wars. How it got to Gideon is something that can be explored in season 2, and that could also bring Ahsoka into the fold.

Ahsoka has a storied history with the Darksaber and knows that it’s a version of a lightsaber. During the Siege of Mandalore, her enemy, Darth Maul, was its owner at the time. Decades later, she would befriend Sabine Wren, who would become the Darksaber’s new owner. The last time it was seen on-screen before The Mandalorian, it was being wielded by Bo-Katan. At some point she must have faced Gideon and lost, resulting in the Darksaber changing hands. It can be speculated that Ahsoka has crossed paths with him before, especially given her long-standing relationship with Katan. If this was the case, that history could resurface in The Mandalorian season 2.


How Big Will Ahsoka’s Role In The Mandalorian Be?

Rosario Dawson Mandalorian Ahsoka

Ahsoka’s impact on The Mandalorian season 2’s story will be dependent on the size of her role. As it stands, she’s supposed to only appear in a guest starring role, so she won’t take up a lot of screen time. Even still, she can be made as important as anyone else in the show. Given her history, she will be a great help in tying the series to the rest of the Star Wars universe. She was active throughout every major era in Star Wars canon, up until even Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Her voice cameo alongside the other Jedi suggested she had died at some point before The Rise of Skywalker, which had to have happened sometime after The Mandalorian‘s second season.


Related: Mandalorian Theory: The Armorer Fought For MAUL During The Clone Wars

Should her Mandalorian rendition prove successful, there could be a bigger role in her future. There are a lot of moving parts to this show. The existing characters themselves have not been explored too deeply and bringing in an established character like Ahsoka could detract from her counterparts. She doesn’t need to be included in excess, and she would be much better off getting a Disney+ series of her own, should all bode well. It would be the most logical course to take, given her immense fan following.

In terms of popularity, there is no debate to be had; Ahsoka is in the top tier. Time and time again fans have brought her back to the forefront. In the case of The Mandalorian, it is no different. Fans have begged for her to make the leap from animation for years. Although it will not be Ashley Eckstein behind it all, the anticipation for her arrival is still warranted. Her role may not be much for now, but that could always change, possibly into a project with her at the center. It is a longshot, but the first step is seeing how Ahsoka will fit into The Mandalorian season 2 will be.


Next: Mandalorian Season 2 Should Set Up An Ahsoka Disney+ Spinoff

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