We all have holes in our pop culture awareness. As a film critic, I generally feel that I have a professional responsibility to fill my personal holes… but there are only so many hours in a day, and there are new movies that premiere every single week. This is my baseline excuse for why I never watched Ridley Scott’s Gladiator. I didn’t see it in theaters back in 2000, even amid all the critical acclaim and Academy Award success, and once all of the “must-see” buzz wound down, I simply never found myself struck with the thought, “Hey, I should finally get around to watching Gladiator.”
One could say that I lacked significant motivation to fill that hole in my pop culture awareness – but with Gladiator II set to be released in theaters on Friday, I finally got the push I needed this week. Nearly two-and-a-half decades after it first debuted on the big screen, I hit play on the sword-and-sandal epic, and I walked away with a collection of standout thoughts about the film and its legacy.