Rob Lowe Reveals How Parks and Recreation Cast Stays in Touch


And he still remembers the magical day on set fondly. 

“I could hear them laughing and there’s nothing in life more satisfying than making someone you respect as a comedian laugh,” he noted. “To get Amy to laugh, to get Nick to laugh was the ultimate joy. That’s why doing that show never felt like work, ever. It felt like we got together, hung out, made each other laugh and went home and then got to watch it on TV.”

Naturally, Rob has taken that mentality to his latest venture, as he stars alongside his son John Owen Lowe in Netflix’s Unstable—where the duo, who also co-created the series, play father and son. 

However, as Rob recently learned through an Ancestry DNA test that proved his “off-the-charts” competitiveness, he isn’t so unlike his biotech genius character Ellis. In fact, he revealed that he and John Owen will get to show off their competitive spirit in a tennis match episode that John Owen wrote for the show’s second season. 

“I would say almost everything in it is either a literal recreation,” Rob teased. “Or takes a little germ of something that he thinks happened and then he’s blown it sky high.”

The second season of Unstable hits Netflix August 1. 

In the meantime, keep reading to see where Rob’s character—and everyone else—ended up at the end of Parks and Recreation.

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