Tamera Mowry-Hausley Shares How the Haters Made Her Marriage Stronger Than Ever


Nothing could have fully prepared Tamera Mowry-Housley for quite how real her seven-year talk show stint would get. 

“It was very terrifying,” she confessed in an exclusive interview with E! News. Outside of question-and-answer-style speaking engagements at schools and churches, the actress had spent the whole of her three-decade career saying other peoples‘ words. So claiming a seat on The Real in 2013 and “talking on personal issues and issues that people are going through,” she said, “talking about suicide, talking about relationships—that was very daunting for me.”

And while she eventually found the upside in giving her take on hot-button topics—”I realized that it actually can be very powerful. But most importantly, inspiring and encouraging”—it was tougher to accept the spotlight it put on her personal life, namely her 11-year marriage with journalist Adam Housley

“You become headlines, what I like to call clickbait,” she shared. Among the more shocking accusations: That her husband, a former Fox News correspondent, was racist. 

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