Zelda’s Ganondorf Remade In Elden Ring Is a Terrifying Elden Lord


One Elden Ring player has recreated the infamous Ganondorf from the Legend Of Zelda series, and he is appropriately menacing as he prepares to lay waste to the Lands Between. Elden Ring features an in-depth character creation suite that allows players to craft their own Tarnished exile to challenge Elden Ring’s wide assortment of punishing bosses and gather the lost fragments of the titular Elden Ring, and many have used this to make dark-fantasy versions of their favorite characters from movies, television, and even other video games.

These custom Elden Ring characters have ranged from fitting choices like Gandalf from The Lord Of The Rings to more outlandish offerings like Nigel Thornberry from The Wild Thornberrys and Ross Gellar from Friends. Gaming-related Elden Ring crossovers have seen The Witcher 3’s Ciri journey into the Lands Between, and one player even modeled a Tarnished after Sonic the Hedgehog – complete with a lighting-infused Spin Dash attack with which to tear through opponents in Elden Ring’s multiplayer PvP mode. As Elden Ring’s medieval setting has much in common with the realm of Hyrule from the Legend Of Zelda, it seems only natural that at least one famous character from Nintendo’s long-running RPG franchise would appear in Elden Ring as a player-generated custom character.

Related: Elden Ring Player Becomes Witcher 3’s Ciri With Character Creator

Unfortunately for the citizens of the Lands Between, that character is none other than The Legend Of Zelda’s resident arch-villain Ganondorf, as recreated by Reddit user S3aWater and shown off in a recent post on the Elden Ring subreddit. S3aWater’s custom-made Ganondorf closely resembles the dark warlord’s appearance in 2006’s The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, with dark green skin, bronze armor, and a massive sword with which to punish any monster or would-be hero who dare stand in his way. Other Elden Ring players have complimented S3aWater’s version of Ganondorf in the comments section, with rabidporcupine80 even saying that they would like to make their own in Elden Ring’s New Game Plus – provided they ever finish the already difficult initial playthrough.

Ganondorf has taken many forms throughout the Legend Of Zelda series, but the evil master of the Triforce Of Power remains a recurring threat in the mainline Zelda games – either as the established villain from the beginning or a greater menace manipulating a lesser foe from the shadows such as Zant from The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. His most recent mainline appearance came in 2017’s The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, where he took the form of the monstrous Calamity Ganon in yet another battle with franchise protagonist Link. While his dark presence hasn’t officially been confirmed for the upcoming Breath Of The Wild 2, many rumors have suggested that Ganondorf will appear once again – with one possibility being that players will control him directly in a prequel story detailing his fall to the dark side.

Ganondorf would certainly relish the chance to test his incredible might against powerful Elden Ring bosses like Godfrey, First Elden Lord and the Godskin Duo, as well as gain even more power by reforging the Elden Ring and becoming the Elden Lord himself. Perhaps another Elden Ring player could use the game’s impressive character creator to make a version of Link to challenge S3aWater’s Ganondorf in a round of PvP combat – allowing the pair’s already-legendary feud in The Legend Of Zelda series to transcend into another game altogether.

Next: Don’t Beg For Elden Ring 2 – Let GRRM Finish Winds of Winter

Source: S3aWater/Redditrabidporcupine80/Reddit

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