Destiny 2: How to Get the Outbreak Perfected Catalyst


With season 16 and The Witch Queen expansion for Destiny 2, many updates to the game’s loot-pool were made. Old content has been removed to make room for new content through Bungie’s Destiny Content Vault (DCV) or through Destiny 2‘s controversial sunsetting system. Last year, before the Beyond Light expansion, Bungie removed two special exotic missions. One was for the exotic sniper rifle Whisper of The Worm, and the other for the exotic pulse rifle Outbreak Perfected. These missions also gave the exotic catalysts for each weapon, but they were among the most difficult to get in the game, so not many players were able to obtain them before they got sunsetted. Luckily, there are now new ways to obtain the weapons and their catalysts after almost two years.

The Zero Hour mission that the Outbreak Perfected could be obtained from before being sunsetted was easily one of the most challenging activities in Destiny 2. However, it was even harder to get the catalyst for the Outbreak in the Zero Hour mission, so not many players were able to obtain it while it was available. The catalyst increases the amount of damage the Nanites that the weapon creates after rapid precision hits or precision kills do as well as spawn more Nanites. As a result, it makes the Outbreak Perfect a much better weapon, allowing for insane add clear with Nanites as well as allowing for top-tier boss damage, even in endgame raids.

Related: Destiny 2: How to Get Lubrae’s Ruin (& God Rolls)

In order to get the catalyst for the weapon, players must have it unlocked. Players who don’t have the Outbreak yet can obtain it from the Exotic Kiosk in the Tower. The catalyst itself can be unlocked by completing any of the three core activities in the game. This includes Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit activities. Many players have reported high drop rates for catalyst after Nightfall completions in the Strikes Playlist. The Outbreak catalyst is a random loot drop, so players will have to be lucky to get it to drop. Once players do get the catalyst, they’ll have to complete its’ objective to activate it.

How to Get the Outbreak Perfected Catalyst in Destiny 2

Outbreak Perfected Catalyst Destiny 2

After players have obtained the catalyst for Outbreak Perfected, they’ll have to defeat 500 enemies with precision damage to activate it. This objective is as insane as it sounds and especially annoying due to the weapons Nanites that spawn after precision kills with the weapon to kill other enemies around the area. The best place to farm this objective is the Shuro Chi checkpoint of Destiny 2‘s Last Wish Raid in the Dreaming City. Here, players will be able to shoot at Shadow Thrall’s heads’ for as long as it takes them to unlock the catalyst.

While the objective to unlock the catalyst is extremely tedious, it is still very worth it to unlock. The Outbreak Perfected with its catalyst, is one of the best add clearing weapons in the game as well as one of the highest damage per second weapons against bosses in the game. Players could run through Destiny 2’s entire new raid with this weapon’s catalyst only and have no problem clearing it. So, players should grind this catalyst objective out as soon as they unlock it.

Next: Destiny 2: Best Hunter Void 3.0 Build In The Witch Queen

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia platforms.

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