Zack Snyder Finally Embraces Martha Meme from Batman v Superman: It Is What It Is


To say that Zack Snyder’s work in the DCEU has been divisive would be putting it mildly. And no one moment from his films has been more openly mocked and criticized than the scene in Batman v. Superman where Batman, upon learning that Superman also has a mother named Martha, stops trying to kill the Man of Steel, and the two team up instead. In a recent interview, Snyder appeared resigned to accept that the “Martha” moment will forever remain a pop culture punching bag.

“You know, what can I say? I mean, it is what it is. We felt like that was the perfect bond between these two guys. Pop culture really wanted to have fun with that movie. They felt like kicking that movie in the in the crotch. And… it is what it is, you know? I don’t know what to say other than, “Oh, well,” you know? We still love it. And we think it’s really cool… You know, I… I have no ill will toward anyone who wants to make a Martha joke. I’m just glad they’re still talking about it.”

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This is not the first time that Zack Snyder has been asked about the “Martha” moment in recent months, and the filmmaker appears to still stand by that scene. In another interview from last month, Snyder had stressed that the scene is central to the theme of Batman v. Superman.

“You know, I — clearly I am a fan of and are very interested in how Martha— that concept, it’s central to the film, I mean, it’s 100% the linchpin that holds the entire movie together. And I think it’s indicative of the way that Batman v Superman was received that its central tenant was sort of… sort of belittled and made fun of.”

While Batman’s sudden turn from wanting to kill superman to teaming up with him in Batman v. Superman seemed abrupt, their relationship has evolved further in the upcoming Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The film starts with Bruce Wayne wishing to honor Superman’s legacy by creating a new league of heroes. It is also Bruce who pushes to resurrect Superman.

In the later planned sequels to Zack Snyder’s Justice League, it has been revealed that Bruce falls in love with Lois and the two conceive a child together who’s existence Bruce is not aware of. Upon being informed about his child, Bruce sacrifices his life to save Lois. The child is then raised by Superman and Lois and grows up to become the next Batman.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Ray Porter as Darkseid, Ciar&án Hinds as Steppenwolf, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon. The film arrives on HBO Max on March 18. This news arrives from DC Cinematic Cast.

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