Big Brother 22 Live Feeds: Cody Won HOH (Again!). These Are His Targets


Cody Calafiore has won his third Head of Household competition on Big Brother 22: All-Stars, which happened after this Thursday’s Triple Eviction. The season has had ten HOHs so far. With this win, Cody is tied with Memphis Garrett for three wins. Next is Tyler Crispen, with two HOH wins. Then, Christmas Abbott, Enzo Palumbo, and Daniele Donato all won once. But Dani was sent home during the Triple Eviction, so that means that her track record is no longer relevant to the game being played.

It’s very weird for Cody to be Head of Household on Big Brother 22 again given that he was just HOH for the entirety of last week. But this Triple Eviction forced the houseguests to play two more weeks’ worth of BB in one night, which means that the season had Memphis and Tyler’s very short HOH reigns in between Cody’s second and third HOH wins. Still, Cody is now yet again in control of the game, and this reign guarantees that he’s made it to the Final 5. With most of Cody’s obvious targets now out the door, he’s seeking new nominees.

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Related: Big Brother 22 Schedule: Why The Sunday Night Episodes Moved To Monday

The Triple Eviction on Big Brother: All-Stars has officially split the Committee alliance in the house. The Committee lost its first alliance member, Dani, on Thursday night’s episode. She was targeted by Tyler, and the house promptly followed suit to vote her out. Currently, Cody is in one of the Wise Guys Final 3 agreements with Memphis and Enzo, but he’s aware that Enzo and Memphis have a separate Final 3 with Christmas that is also called the Wise Guys. Cody’s other big Final 2 agreement in the house is with Nicole – they played together on Big Brother 16 and have been close all season long. All things considered, this means that the only two players left that Cody isn’t allied with are Tyler and Christmas.

With only six people left on BB22, it will come down to three votes for the house to evict a new player. That’s because the HOH and the two nominees don’t get to vote. Assuming that this next nomination block will be between Christmas and Tyler, it’ll leave Cody in a very delicate situation if either of them wins the Power of Veto. Because then Cody will have to put up Enzo, Nicole, or Memphis, all of whom have Finals 2 or 3 with him. Under these circumstances, Cody would probably nominate Memphis… but one can’t underestimate the fact that Cody would be showing his cards in a major way.

October is upon us, and the last third of BB22 is officially here. There are only a few weeks to go until the houseguests get to the finale, but there’s no doubt that these last few weeks will be a rollercoaster for everyone involved.

More: Big Brother 22: Reasons Why Cody & Nicole Are The Strongest Final 2 Alliance

Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8pm EST on CBS.

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