Transgender Patient Maria Looks “F–king Beautiful” After New Nose Job on Botched


One last nose job.

On Monday, Aug. 24’s all-new Botched, new patient Maria turned to doctors Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow for help after a disastrous plastic surgery journey. According to Maria, who is transgender, she underwent boob and nose jobs as part of her transition.

Following her initial surgeries, Maria noted that she went on to have three more successful nose jobs. Yet, as Maria detailed to the Botched camera, the prejudice she faced during her transition had her turning to plastic surgery to gain “access to that woman [she] felt inside.”

“The reality is that people still sort of discriminated and treated me horribly because the fact that I’m trans,” Maria relayed in a confessional. “I honestly thought that, at every turn, the next surgery would give me access to that woman I felt inside. I just wanted to be female and be accepted as female.”

Per Maria, this is why she got a fifth rhinoplasty, which ended with disastrous results. As footage from that time proved, Maria’s fifth procedure left her with a Grinch-like nose.

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