5 Angel Has Fallen Things That Don’t Make Any Sense


Mike Banning Gets In A Serious Semi-Truck Accident … Yet Has No Serious Injuries

Midway through Angel Has Fallen, Mike Banning drives a semi-truck in a dangerous high-speed chase with the cops. He’s swerving his truck left-and-right in an effort to knock them off his trail, but in the process, Banning gets into a major collision, resulting in the massive vehicle being flipped on its side. After a series of coughs, Banning shakes it off and runs for the woods, wobbling slightly as he goes, but not facing any serious injuries. Now, I’m not a physics expert. Sure, there have been times when people walked away with zero-to-minor injuries in a car crash. But when it comes to this crash, it looked pretty serious. While it’s not impossible that Banning could run away, it seems highly unlikely.

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